Avalon Foundation
“Kropelka” Association of Honorary Blood Donors
Lesser Poland Association of People with Disabilities
MOSIR Sports Society
Disadvantaged People Foundation
“Panaceum” Help Centre Association
“Słoneczko” Foundation for Support for Persons with Disabilities
“Zdążyć z Pomocą” Children’s Foundation
Specialist Hospital
“Wspólna Nadzieja” Foundation
Hipomedical – Zabajka
“Serce dla Maluszka” Foundation
“Czerwone Serduszko” Foundation
Alojzy Kosiba School Complex
Fr. Jerzy Popiełuszko General Secondary School Complex
Sedeka Foundation
In addition to financial donations, the company also provides cosmetic products to natural and legal persons. Most often these are public benefit organizations and associations looking after homeless people from all over the country.
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